The Authentic Girls Club Membership

Build the mindset. Live the Life.

Your doorway to more and space to become your own coach

The Authentic Girls Club Membership

Your Best Life Begins Within.

Master your mindset and build your

best life from the inside out.

We are so excited that you landed here today!

A judgement free, acceptance fueled space where women from all over the world are coming together and actively empowering themselves through self development to live life without regret!

Are you feeling overwhelmed right now, stuck on a hamster wheel of life that you can’t seem to get off? Are you secretly longing for something more yet settling for what you have because you feel you 'should' just be happy?

We see you and we see that spark you hold within...

Do you want to find out who you truly are, what you truly want and embody the confidence and the mindset you need to make it all happen?

If so you are in the right place!

We are so excited that you landed here today!

A judgement free, acceptance fueled space where women from all over the world are coming together and actively empowering themselves through self development to live life without regret!

Are you feeling overwhelmed right now, stuck on a hamster wheel of life that you can’t seem to get off? Are you secretly longing for something more yet settling for what you have because you feel you 'should' just be happy?

We see you and we see that spark you hold within...

Do you want to find out who you truly are, what you truly want and embody the confidence and the mindset you need to make it all happen?

If so you are in the right place!

This is the community you never knew you needed...

We aren't here to blame, complain, gossip and judge, we are here to...

  • Take personal responsibility for our lives and grab our power back! 

  • Harness the power of choice and learning.

  • Expand and transform our thoughts, feelings and actions giving us the results we have been craving for so long.

  • Support, encourage and hold each other accountable with love as we walk towards our dreams!

You don't have to do this alone anymore. Whether you are at the very beginning of your self development journey or whether you are well into it... do you want to experience consistent fulfillment and connection along the way by being surrounded by a community of like-minded women who are walking the same way as you? Women who understand you, who hear you and who are celebrating your every win? We have brought sisterhood back and it is guaranteed to fast-track your growth!

This is the community you never knew you needed...

We aren't here to blame, complain, gossip and judge, we are here to...

  • Take personal responsibility for our lives and grab our power back! 

  • Harness the power of choice and learning

  • Expand and transform our thoughts, feelings and actions giving us the results we have been craving for so long.

  • Support, encourage and hold each other accountable with love as we walk towards our dreams!

You don't have to do this alone anymore. Whether you are at the very beginning of your self development journey or whether you are well into it... do you want to experience consistent fulfillment and connection along the way by being surrounded by a community of like-minded women who are walking the same way as you? Women who understand you, who hear you and who are celebrating your every win? We have brought sisterhood back and it is guaranteed to fast-track your growth!

So it's time to make a choice, is it...


Investing time and money in ourselves isn't easy and it doesn't come naturally to us, as women who have spent a long time putting everybody else first. But... if you want change and you decide to be that change today and do what it takes we have no doubt that you will transform your whole life and experience an inner happiness that will make this the best investment you will ever made.

It's your time to thrive instead of survive, believe instead of doubt and see exactly what you are so capable of by turning your wildest dreams into reality. If we wait till we are ready we will be waiting a long time so if today, ready or not is your DAY ONE, we can't wait to welcome you and celebrate you on the inside!

Join us today for just

£28 / month

(You can cancel at anytime with no questions asked and read below for details on 100% satisfaction guarantee)

So it's time to make a choice, is it...


Investing time and money in ourselves isn't easy and it doesn't come naturally to us, as women who have spent a long time putting everybody else first. But... if you want change and you decide to be that change today and do what it takes we have no doubt that you will transform your whole life and experience an inner happiness that will make this the best investment you will ever made.

It's your time to thrive instead of survive, believe instead of doubt and see exactly what you are so capable of by turning your wildest dreams into reality. If we wait till we are ready we will be waiting a long time so if today, ready or not is your DAY ONE, we can't wait to welcome you and celebrate you on the inside!

Join us today for just

£28 / month

(You can cancel at anytime with no questions asked and read below for details on our 100% satisfaction guarantee)

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:

Here’s what you’ll get when you join:


Monthly Group Coaching

A group coaching call at the beginning of every month to gain clarity, focus and inspiration for the month ahead. Set goals and connect with incredible women doing the same.


Monthly Masterclass

Every month there is an opportunity for

learning and growth with our guest expert masterclasses. Previous guests have covered topics such as confidence, boundaries, breathwork and manifesting your dream life!


Monthly Journaling Session

"Without self-awareness there

is no self-development".

A complete session at the end of the month dedicated to raising your self-awareness and celebrating your progress; enhancing your mindset and wellbeing.


Monthly Group Coaching

A group coaching call at the beginning of every month to get clear for the month ahead, set goals and connect with incredible women doing the same.


Monthly Masterclass

Every month there is an opportunity for learning and growth with our guest expert masterclasses. Previous guests have covered topics such as confidence, boundaries and manifesting your dream life!


Monthly Journaling Session

"Without self-awareness there

is no self-development".

A complete session at the end of the month dedicated to raising your self-awareness and celebrating your progress; enhancing your mindset and wellbeing through the power of journaling.


Weekly Accountability Calls

When we say we do this work together, we mean it. Every Monday at 6:15am we host our live 'Weekly Practice' ~ a 30 minute session that guides you through our 3 step Self Empowerment Process to get your morning and week off to the best start.


A Thriving Online Community

Gain instant access to our Private Members Facebook group ~ a community of incredible women who are there to support you, lift you up and celebrate you. This is your safe space to thrive in and share your journey with others.


TAGC Self Coaching Academy

Gain full access to our online academy of resources including a Self Development Directory featuring all previous topics and a hub of daily practices to enable you to add all of the tools learnt in the membership to your busy schedule with ease.


Weekly Accountability Calls

When we say we do this work together, we mean it. Every Monday at 6:15am we host our live 'Weekly Practice' ~ a 30 minute session that guides you through our proven 3 step Self Empowerment Process to get your morning and week off to the best start.


A Thriving Online Community

Gain instant access to our Private Members Facebook group ~ a community of incredible women who are there to support you, lift you up and celebrate you. This is your safe space to thrive in and share your journey with others.


TAGC Self Coaching Academy

Gain full access to our online academy of resources including a Self Development Directory featuring all previous topics and a hub of daily practices to enable you to add all of the tools learnt in the membership to your busy schedule with ease.

There’s no need to put your life on hold anymore.  

Join today for just

£28 per month

There’s no need to put your

life on hold anymore.  

Join today for just

£28 per month

Women coming together in this way is so powerful,

here's what our members think...

Women coming together

in this way is so powerful,

here's what our members think...

Joining TAGC was the best thing I could've done. In only 4 weeks I have seen so many shifts in my mindset, met some amazing inspiring ladies and held myself accountable to become the best version of myself! I am so excited to see all that I am capable of!.”

— TAGC Member

The membership is a safe space to work on self-development - building confidence, self-worth, creating and working towards your goals, giving you time for yourself in the busy world we live in. TAGC membership helps you to live with intention to discover your authentic self alongside like minded women who want to take control and be in the driving seat of their lives.”

— TAGC Member

Joining TAGC was the best thing I could've done. In only 4 weeks I have seen so many shifts in my mindset, met some amazing inspiring ladies and held myself accountable to become the best version of myself! I am so excited to see all that I am capable of!.”

— TAGC Member

The membership is a safe space to work on self-development - building confidence, self-worth, creating and working towards your goals, giving you time for yourself in the busy world we live in. TAGC membership helps you to live with intention to discover your authentic self alongside like minded women who want to take control and be in the driving seat of their lives.”

— TAGC Member

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you join us and you’re not satisfied here is what we’ll offer you...

A full refund. We are so confident you will see results after joining the membership that we will offer you a full refund after one month if you're not satisfied.

If you turn up to all of the live events, do the work and see no results, we will refund your months membership no questions asked.

You can also cancel your monthly subscription at any time, simply drop us an email and we will cancel the subscription.

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you join us and you’re not satisfied here is what we’ll offer you...

A full refund. We are so confident you will see results after joining the membership that we will offer you a full refund after one month if you're not satisfied.

If you turn up to all of the live events, do the work and see no results, we will refund your months membership no questions asked.

You can also cancel your monthly subscription at any time, simply drop us an email and we will cancel the subscription.


What is Self Development and the inner work and how can it help me?

Self development and the inner work are all about growth. For us it’s about stripping back the layers to see and finally start appreciating your authentic and wonderful self underneath it all. It’s about putting time aside to understand ourselves, our thoughts and our beliefs. It’s about turning our pain into power, our doubts into belief and ourselves into the person we were always meant to be. We have grown up in a society that normalises us as women putting ourselves last and we feel like its time this changed. To be there for others it is vital that we look after ourselves too. We also believe that looking after our thoughts and our mind health is the missing piece of the puzzle to creating lasting change and the life you dream of. You deserve your own time and you deserve your own love. All of this will help you gain clarity in life, it will help you discover who you really are and it will help you empower yourself so that you can live as fully as possible.

How do payments work?

When you sign up the payments will be taken monthly on the day that you sign up. You can leave at any point by simply emailing us on with no questions asked. We are here to support and encourage you no matter what.

How can I make the most of the membership if I am unable to attend the virtual events live?

There is so much to the membership and the virtual’s are just one part. There is also the hub which is full of self development learnings, inspiration and resources including meditations and journal prompts too which will be available to you instantly via our Favicon. This can be set up on your phone in the matter of a couple of minutes. There is also a thriving online community in Facebook that you can tap into. This is there for support, encouragement and accountability and to make incredible connections with like minded women on this same journey.

I don’t feel ready to push my comfort zone?

At TAGC we empower you to see that your journey is your journey. We all go at our own pace and appreciate each others progress. Joining the membership may feel like a comfort zone push in itself and we want you to feel so proud of yourself for that. We are here to cheer you on, to celebrate you and to encourage and support you so take it one step at a time, be proud and know that we are always one message away either on DM or on email -

What happens after joining?

Once you are all signed up you will be sent an email with further details of how to log in to your members area. Once logged in head to the Get Started page and you will be guided from there. Work through the checklist and join the private Facebook community where we will be ready and waiting to welcome you. You will also be invited to a new members welcome party to celebrate starting your journey.

I am worried I won’t fit in?

All women are welcome here. Whatever stage you are at in life, wherever you are in the world, whatever type of person you are we cannot wait to meet you! There is SO much power in bringing women who want to do this inner work together. The biggest realisation is seeing with your own eyes that you are not alone. We guarantee that the feelings you are feeling right now have been or are being felt by others. In coming together and opening up about them we can start dropping some of the pressure that society has placed upon us. When you are ready to take this leap know that our arms are wide and ready to catch you. TAGC is the most inclusive, non-judgemental and supportive space for women and know that you decision will be fully celebrated.

I am feeling overwhelmed with life and worried I won’t have enough time?

We can totally relate to your overwhelm and one of the biggest things we have noticed on this journey is that the more time you dedicate to this journey the less overwhelm you feel. We acknowledge that life will always come with its challenges but it’s about equipping ourselves with tools to tackle those challenges with more ease and we simply aim for the TAGC notion of ‘Back to Better quicker.’ 😊 In terms of time, the membership is there for you however and whenever you need it. There is no pressure to attend all of the virtuals; perhaps the community is simply the support you want right now, just the knowing that you have a group of incredible women behind you cheering you on. Personal growth is a life-long process, but with the right approach, tools and community, you will see significant results in a relatively short amount of time.


"Be brave - I genuinely wish I had done it sooner!"

© Copyright 2023 The Authentic Girls Club