Join the club and start your self development journey today

We remember investing in ourselves feeling so uncomfortable but believe us when we say you are so worth it and this is going to be the start of a whole new life for you. A life where you thrive instead of survive, a life where you believe instead of doubt and a life where you see exactly what you are capable of. For just 80p a day, you can get to work on thinking better, feeling better and living better with TAGC.

Whether you are looking to build confidence, create new healthy habits that last or rediscover who you truly are and what you want in life the club is your place to start.

When you join the club you will have instant access to our online community plus our weekly virtual events, workshops, masterclasses, digital products and all the tools you need to begin and be supported on your journey.

The club is your safe space, it is your container to be your authentic self without any worry of judgement. It is a space to show up and share your worries, struggles, challenges, accomplishments and wins, knowing that you are supported by your very own group of cheerleaders. It is your space to grow, feel inspired and make new friendships and connections.

If you are ready to make time for yourself and are prepared to put in the effort to start living happier now, then you're in the right place.

Learn how to think better, feel better and live better with TAGC

What do you get when you join the club?

  • Instant access to TAGC Private Facebook group ~ a community of incredible women who are there for each other

  • Access to a whole host of digital products, such as self led workbooks and meditations

  • A library of self-development masterclasses and well-being workshops, covering topics such as confidence, boundaries and manifesting your dream life

  • A new members welcome party to celebrate starting your journey

Plus what you get monthly...

  • 1 x group coaching session to gain clarity and confidence for the month ahead

  • 1 x wellbeing workshop / self development masterclass to dedicate time to your self care and growth

  • 1 x topical group coaching session to explore new perspectives

  • 1 x end of month journaling session to get cosy and reflect on your months progress

  • 4 x Sunday practices to celebrate all that you are doing and get intentional for the week ahead

  • A growing library of workshops and masterclasses delivered by expert women from all over the world; digital products and many more tools to support your journey

  • An inclusive and empowering community that holds no judgment or pressure

  • Ongoing support from us and fellow members in TAGC private Facebook group

I leave every session feeling calm, inspired, empowered and less alone. This club has helped me through what was an extremely difficult time in my life. I'm thankful for each and every member


How we can help you

Community & Connection

Growth & Development

Action & Accountability


Community & Connection

TAGC is THE community to be your authentic self and be celebrated for it...

Think of The Authentic Girls Club as the cheerleader in your pocket you never knew you needed. When you join the TAGC community you will instantly connect with like-minded women who are here to encourage, elevate and empower you. We all just want to live life happy right? In swapping judgement for encouragement our community is a magical place to be.

Growth & Development

Life doesn't get easier, we get stronger!

TAGC is all about growth, it's all about using life's challenges to build ourselves up from the inside out. We don't wear rose tinted glasses here and pretend life is perfect because it isn't. But what we do is see the magic that is amongst every day. We see that we are good people with good intentions, and we feel with every cell of our being that that is more than enough. We are here to help you build a toolkit of self-development techniques to equip you for life. What you learn here, will never leave you. We can't wait to empower you to empower yourself and we think it's so exciting that you don't even realise how powerful you are yet!

Action &


It's time to start taking action and do the things that you want to do...

We often get stuck waiting for the motivation to kick in before we get started, but here's a cold hard truth ~ if we keep waiting for motivation, we'll be waiting forever. To build the motivation we must take action and take that first small step. TAGC is the place to take that small step, in a safe and supportive environment. It's your place to be held accountable and start turning your dreams into reality and living the life you have always wanted.

At TAGC you come first.

It’s time to equip yourself for life and make change from a new place, a place that means it lasts.

It may require you taking a leap of faith and we understand that can feel scary because we have been there. Investing in yourself is hard at the best of times right? You may be wondering if you will fit in? If this is really for you? You may be feeling so foggy right now that you are struggling to make a decision. We have been there and we have got your back! If you have a knowing, deep inside you, that you are meant for more, that your life isn’t just what it is right now we encourage you to take that jump and know that when you do we are ready and waiting to catch you.

I have some questions before I join...

I am on the fence and unsure this is for me?

No worries at all and do you know what we say? You will never know until you try. If you feel called to finally do something different we believe that you are reading this and interested for a reason. The club may not be for everyone and that is ok but why not come in and give it a go with absolutely no pressure. We know it takes a leap of faith to join something like this because we did the same thing a few years ago but we can genuinely say it was the best thing we ever did – this was how Cat and I met each other and we both grew more than ever before. It can feel scary putting yourself out there and meeting new people but the world is huge and it really is our oyster. Know that we are right at the other side of that leap ready and waiting to catch you with a whole group of supportive and empowered women who have jumped and can’t wait to support you too. And if you find it’s not for you that really is ok too, simply log into your account and click unsubscribe. We are here for you no matter what <3

How do payments work?

When you sign up the payments will be taken monthly on the day that you sign up. You can leave at any point and can manage your account by logging in on our website with the email and password you joined with.

What is Self Development and the inner work and how can it help me?

Self development and the inner work are all about growth. For us it’s about stripping back the layers to see and finally start appreciating your authentic and wonderful self underneath it all. It’s about putting time aside to understand ourselves, our thoughts and our beliefs. It’s about turning our pain into power, our doubts into belief and ourselves into the person we were always meant to be. We have grown up in a society that normalising us as women putting ourselves last and we feel like its time this changed. To be there for others it is vital that we look after ourselves too. We also believe that looking after our thoughts and our mind health is the missing piece of the puzzle to creating lasting change and the life you dream of. You deserve your own time and you deserve your own love. All of this will help you gain clarity in life, it will help you discover who you really are and it will help you empower yourself so that you can live as fully as possible.

How can I make the most of the club if I am unable to attend the virtual events live?

There is so much to the club and the virtual’s are just one part. There is also the masterclasses which are all pre-recorded and you will have full access to all previous topics too. They are ready for you to view and work through at your own pace. There is also the Facebook group which is a place to share anything that you feel called to. Whether it be a challenge you are currently facing, a win you would like to celebrate or just a place to share inspiration and build connections. We also have many more exciting resources being launched in the club soon.

I don’t feel ready to push my comfort zone?

At TAGC we empower you to see that your journey is your journey. We all go at our own pace and appreciate each others progress. Joining the club may feel like a comfort zone push in itself and we want you to feel so proud of yourself for that. We are here to cheer you on, to celebrate you and to encourage and support you so take it one step at a time, be proud and know that we are always one message away either on DM or on email -

What happens after joining?

Once you are all signed up you will be sent an email with further details of how to log in to your members area. Once logged in head to the Get Started page and you will be guided from there. Work through the checklist and join the private Facebook group where we will be ready and waiting to welcome you. You will also be invited to a new members welcome party to celebrate starting your journey.

I am worried I won’t fit in?

All women are welcome here. Whatever stage you are at in life, wherever you are in the world, whatever type of person you are we cannot wait to meet you! There is SO much power in bringing women who want to think better together. The biggest reveal is realising that so many of us have or have had the same thoughts. In coming together we can drop the pressures society places on us and simply be our wonderful authentic selves. We hope you take the leap because our arms are open wide for you. TAGC is the most inclusive, non-judgemental and supportive space for women on the internet.

I am feeling overwhelmed with life and worried I won’t have enough time?

We can totally relate to your overwhelm and one of the biggest things we have noticed on this journey is that the more time you dedicate to this journey the less overwhelm you feel. We acknowledge that life will always come with its challenges but it’s about equipping ourselves with tools to tackle those challenges with more ease and we simply aim for the TAGC notion of ‘Back to Better quicker.’ 😊 In terms of time, the club is there for you however and whenever you need it. There is no pressure to attend all of the virtuals; perhaps the community is simply the support you want right now, just the knowing that you have a group of incredible women behind you cheering you on. The virtuals are there for you to lean on when you need them.

Are you ready to say...

 Enough is enough

I claim my power back

I am worth looking after

I can't wait to see what I am capable of!

I'm ready!
How much is the membership?

To join the club costs 80p per day and from the moment you sign up you are making your mind health as much a priority as your physical health, and that is something to be celebrated!

Many of us pay for monthly gym memberships to look after our bodies, but what do we do to look after our minds and mental health? TAGC is the space to start thinking better, so that you can feel better and live better.

Think of us as the gym for your mind!

We know that when you invest in yourself in this way, you will see change. Change that is both positive and long lasting. from the bottom of our hearts, we believe in you and we can't wait to welcome you.

Today is the day...


"Be brave - I genuinely wish I had done it sooner!"

© Copyright 2022 The Authentic Girls Club